Climate Action
Climate Action​
UCZNIOWIE: klasy preIB1 i preIB2
NAUCZYCIELE: Angelika Shatilova, Mariola Tracz, Katarzyna Oziębła, Agnieszka Hliwa, Katarzyna Grudniewska, Klaudia Pasieka
W okresie od wrzeÅ›nia do listopada 2022 roku uczniowie naszej szkoÅ‚y doÅ‚Ä…czyli do globalnego projektu Climate Action Project, który zgromadziÅ‚ ponad 3 miliony uczniów z caÅ‚ego Å›wiata. Przez 6 tygodni badali przyczyny i skutki zmian klimatu, a także poszukiwali rozwiÄ…zaÅ„ jak zatrzymać szybko postÄ™pujÄ…ce zmiany na naszej planecie. Efektami swojej pracy dzielili siÄ™ z rówieÅ›nikami z innych krajów umieszczajÄ…c w każdym tygodniu prezentacje, plakaty i filmy na wspólnej stronie internetowej. W ten sposób uczyli siÄ™ wzajemnie od siebie oraz mieli bieżący dostÄ™p do sytuacji klimatycznej w pozostaÅ‚ych krajach. Takie dziaÅ‚ania pozwalajÄ… nie tylko rozwijać umiejÄ™tnoÅ›ci i wiedzÄ™, ale zmieniajÄ… Å›wiadomość uczniów oraz spoÅ‚eczeÅ„stwa.
3 listopada uczniowie wziÄ™li udziaÅ‚ w Å›wiatowym forum Take Action Global, podczas którego na żywo, za poÅ›rednictwem narzÄ™dzi do wideokonferencji, mogli zaprezentować globalnej publicznoÅ›ci swoje najlepsze pomysÅ‚y na ochronÄ™ planety. JesteÅ›my dumni, że film podsumowujÄ…cy prace w naszej szkole, wykonany przez Aimee Dudley, uczennicÄ™ klasy pre-IB 2, zostaÅ‚ wybrany do zaprezentowania i nagrodzony certyfikatem. Cieszymy siÄ™ ogromnie , że nasi uczniowie sÄ… częściÄ… tego Å›wiatowego ruchu, gÅ‚oÅ›no mówiÄ… o problemach, które ich dotyczÄ…, podejmujÄ… dziaÅ‚ania i inspirujÄ… innych. Nieważne gdzie mieszkamy, skutki zmian klimatu odczuwamy wszyscy.
Inicjatorem projektu jest miÄ™dzynarodowa organizacja pozarzÄ…dowa Take Action Global, a swoim patronatem objęło go wiele znanych osób , instytucji , rzÄ…dy kilkunastu krajów oraz media w 45 krajach.
Our students have joined the six-weeks Climate Action Project involving more than 3 milion students across 149 countries. The project aims to lead to a change of behavior concerning climate change and environmental through education. It is in collaboration with WWF, Earth Day, and NASA, and endorsed by Jane Goodall, scientists and public figures. Each week they have created video, posters and presentations of their findings to be published to the project website. This way students are able to learn from their peers globally and discover that climate change may appear very differently in other parts of the world.
On November 3, students joined for Climate Action Day- live, virtual interactions via video conferencing tools, so students were able to present their best ideas for protecting the planet to global audience. The summing up video, done by Aimee Dudley, our pre-IB 2 student, has been chosen and awarded with certificate.
The event is hosted by Take Action Global , a leading climate action education non-profit organization. We strongly believe that together we save ou planet!
1. Our students from the 1st grade of our High school has summed up their work over the project. Throughout 5 weeks of the project, our students has had interviews with the scientist and businessmen: Ms. Agnieszka Doroszuk, who is the biologist and the head of company which improves vegetable seeds; and Mr. Piotr Zygmunt, who is the CEO of the biospekt company. The goal of both interviews was to clarify the necessity and importance of people’s actions in order to decrese the level of negative influences on the planet. Based on interviews, some vital conclusions had been made by students. The eco competition launched with the environmental discussion had taken place in the 4th grades of our secondary school. The discussion and the competition had helped high school students to engage the secondary school pupils into the project and also highlighted the crucial function of the school – collaboration and education through diversity.
The presentation about the pollution had also been made for our primary school students: a high school student has prepared an interesting presentation which had led to nice and friendly discussion about the air and water pollution, and ways to deal with it The high school students had also watched the film „We could panic”, directed by Jonathan L. Ramsey, which had evoked the discussion.
2. Our Geography teacher has organized the workshop for high school students "Waste Management". The workshop has forwarded the discussion which shows that young people read, investigate and analyse reasons which have already led (and which still influence) to the climate change.
We have also studied the scheme which shows an enormous quantity of waste which each person in different countries generates per year (the teacher has used different official source to prepare the information).
Then students worked in groups in order to create the poster which had to enumerate the impact of waste on the climate change. Visual results had been discussed.
The workshop has increased the awareness of students about the climate change and also highlighted the importance of every day climate's care and waste balance.
3. Our Spanish teacher has made workshop for high school students about ecology and ways to help our planet. They prepared great posters!
13. Działania w dziedzinie klimatu (Climate action)